Wednesday, December 20, 2006

To Begin

The purpose of this blog is to serve as yet another digital link in this digital world, one unique in that it connects my life with yours, my thoughts and experiences here in Peru with yours, whereever you may be. Obviously I relish your comments and feedback - otherwise I would be keeping this stuff in my head.
Once, upon returning from travels, I called a friend who had also recently had some adventures, and he suggested we meet for a cup of tea and swap stories. I cannot think of this as anything but a poor excuse for tea and tale-swapping, just as e-mails are a careless and shabby substitute for the hand-written letter. At the same time, I cannot resist the novelty, neatness, clarity and ease of this form of communication.
So heres to a cup of tea in the future, and to your enjoyment of this blog right now.